A great idea which began as a joke on our Livestreamed morning prayers. during the warm-up, but then became serious. I was joking about how so many people admit that they link in with prayers as they get up in the morning, sometimes watching in bed, and still in their pajamas. (I am not one to judge as I am certainly not a morning person). I suggested that I should present prayers in my PJ’s and dressing gown in solidarity, and even suggested that we should have a ‘Pajama Sunday’ in the church, since we have plenty of other Sunday’s with a clear focus. Jokingly, I asked that if we did that, what would it stand for.
The response came back that we could remember that God accepts us for who we are, wherever we are, and whatever we are wearing. I think that this is profound. So what do you think? Is this something we should pursue? On the one hand it could feel quite gimmicky, and we would I am sure, have to say that people would have to wear their PJ’s on top of other clothes, but the point we would be making, just at the moment where we may want to welcome new people into the life of the church, or those who have been distant from us, could be powerful. Do let me know? I should say that I am aware of a church in Peterborough where this happened for real at a midnight communion service. I gather that folks simply showed their usual welcome. Good on them. Irrespective of whether we feel this is right to pursue, the point is a meaningful and timely one.