I would like to continue to draw your attention to our most recent series of online interviews – Me, Jesus, and the Church. This provides a means by which we can hear from people about their background and their coming to faith, but also how they have found it invaluable to be part of the church. I sense that this link, especially when we are living in socially distanced times, is hugely important. There are always those who will explain that they are Christians, but they do not feel the need to go to church, or to be connected to church. The stories surfacing through Me, Jesus, and the Church are deeply moving, and we are now at episode four in what will be an eight-episode series.
This week we hear from Susan Halford who began her working life grading eggs and has since worked with figures throughout her working life. In terms of Susan’s faith, the first part of the interview focuses on how conversations with the owners of a local fruit and veg shop, initial involvement in Crowland Methodist Church, and her reading the gospel came together to the point where she gave her life to Jesus. In the second half, Susan shares how she has always found that being part of a small group vital in helping her remain faithful as a Christian. The advantage of these videos of course is that if a church has projection facilities, they are easily accessible. As for who the future contributors might be, I am always open to volunteers (some folk have already offered) but you may find that I approach you to share…. Everyone has a story to tell.
Visit https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfd1gKrJ4irDkDKdctPFxaw9JEjZn695s to view the full series.