Advent Preparations. Some housekeeping, hopefully with some thinking that will encourage you.

Greetings all. As Christine Hardman, editor of the Brookside Magazine recently commented, we have now reached the time when we are about to light three candles on our advent ring, and remember (alongside the life of John the Baptist), the fact that Christmas is nearly upon us. Of course, there is more to it than this – yes, Christmas is upon us, and no, we are nowhere near having done all those things that we would have preferred to do. As ever though, it is more helpful to focus on what is both important and urgent, in the hope that the two have not collided too much in the same space, and at the same time. This week I need to tell you about/would want to encourage you in:

1/ Welcoming people who are on the fringes of the Church to attend your church services. This is likely to be difficult as the arrangements that many of our churches are making require people (often most known by our congregation) to book ahead. Of course, we want to welcome others, and so let us pray that this would be the case as well. Special prayers please for the folks at Westgate New Church who have planned their first service since lockdown for the 20th at 2pm. Here it is a case of us looking at the premises and finding a way in which we can create a covid-safe environment. WNC is significant of course because it is in the heart of the city. Please also pray for the staff at CROPS, and for the Bookshop as they continue to strive to support people during this challenging period.

2/ Online worship and resources. I have recently put out a video asking folks to feedback on what support that they would value over the Christmas period, especially Christmas Eve, where we would usually hold crib services for children and families, and for Christmas Day. Whilst I am aware that churches are looking to accommodate people, I continue to be concerned about those who are self-isolating. In terms of how we support our young people, I am painfully aware that this group has been the hardest to support through lockdown, as children in particular cannot engage easily in the kind of cutting and sticking exercises(!) that enliven a retelling of the nativity story. I await to see how people respond. It would be great to hear examples of where families are able to attend church across this period, but I am realistic about the prospect that many will feel the more formal setting of church, and the restrictions that will be in place, will be less than ideal. It is more than likely that we will offer a 4pm nativity on Christmas eve, and a 10am short Christmas service/reflection on Christmas Day.

3/ Linked to online worship again; Matt’s involvement as our Circuit Livestream Worship Producer, and Dale’s ongoing support has released me to focus on other things. As ever, we are grateful for those who produce content for our worship (and there are some beautifully creative things that are out there). However, one advantage of this shift has been that I have been able to record relaxed interviews with Rev Geoffrey Clarke (Moderator of the East Midlands United Reformed Church Synod). Stephen Pettigan (CEO of the Light Project Peterborough and known to many of us of course for his leadership of the Winter Night Shelter), and next Tuesday I will be speaking with Rev Helen Cameron, our Chair of District. Whilst I realise that not everyone is able to access online material, this option is one of the better ways of being able to help our senior leaders share across the churches. The first interview, with Rev Geoffrey, will premiere via YouTube (we will advertise the link of course) tomorrow morning. The conversations last around 20 minutes in total, and are split into two. In the first part we hear something of ‘the person behind the collar’ as they prepare for Christmas (Rev Geoffrey puts me to shame with his commitment of writing Christmas cards), and in the second part we get to hear a much deeper message about how a Christmas message is forming in his heart as he surveys life during this challenging period. Obviously, our primary format is digital – with video coming first. If there is a demand for us to release audio versions of the interviews, we will respond as this is simple to create.

4/ There have been many good news stories across the circuit, with new births of our own ahead of Christmas, but most recently we have seen an increase in people who are struggling with health conditions – and sadly, bereavements, so prayers all round please as we continue to support folk.

I wish you all the best in the forthcoming week.

YouTube conversation with Rev Canon Helen Cameron